
Tuning Forks in Healing

Most of the complimentary or energy practices work with the vibrations within the energy system. One form of energy is sound. When we work with sound we work in the audible range, sounds that can be heard by people. Humans can hear sounds between 20 cycles per second (Hz) and 20,000 Hz.

Sound therapy comes in many forms. Music is used by most energy workers as background sound to help relax the client and mask other sounds. Harps, flutes, chants and drums are also used to aid with healing and meditation.

There is a device that has both very precise sound and is portable. It has been used in the medical industry for many years. These are tuning forks.

The use of tuning forks in healing and meditation reawakens one to simple and accessible energies. Tuning forks create a sympathetic resonance with the quality of Sacred Sound that is felt deep within us. The balanced interaction of frequencies resonating in and through the body is what makes us work. When we are healthy, our frequencies resonate in sync. We feel connected with ourselves and those around us. We are in tune.

Each organ of the body, each chakra, each meridian and each acupuncture point resonates to a specific vibration. A chakra, or any of these points, can be open and balanced and still out of tune. When they are out of tune problems follow.

When physical pain, numbness or tightness is felt the body is out of alignment with the Sacred Sound. When the body is out of alignment, tuning forks are used to bring the individual back to the Sacred Sound. Tuning forks gently guide these points back into a harmonic pattern.

Tuning fork therapy works by sending vibrations to the brain and into the body. Our nerves are stimulated when we listen to the vibrations of tuning forks. The nervous system encompasses our sense of balance, proportion and space. Each component of the energy system has a normal vibration and always remembers it. When a true vibration hits one of these points the point remembers that sound and returns to the natural vibration.

The root chakra, for example, resonates to the sound of middle C, 256 cycles per second. The Earth resonates to 8 Hz. It is not surprising that middle C is 5 octaves above the Earth. The difference between using a tuning fork and a harp or piano is that a tuning fork is accurate to within 0.01 Hz while musical instruments very greatly, even when tuned.

A harmonic tuning fork set can be used to bring the entire chakra system back into tune. The harmonic set includes a middle C, D, E, F, G, A, B and high C, 512 Hz. These are the sounds of the Root (C), Sacral (D), Solar Plexus (E), Heart (F), Throat (G), Third Eye (A), Crown (B) and Transpersonal (High C).

There are a number of methods used to assess each chakra. One method is to use the pendulum. The direction, form and radius of the swing are used to determine status of each chakra. Even when each chakra is open, spinning clockwise and in a perfect circle the chakra can be out of tone.

Tuning forks are used to bring each chakra back to the correct tone. In the process, the fork is run around the rim of the chakra in a clockwise direction. When the chakra is in tune, the sound will be smooth.

A chakra that is out of tune will not be smooth. It will either present a dissidence or an uneven resonance. It is very unusual to get complete dissidence because as soon as the correct sound is presented the chakra starts to come into tune. In most cases a chakra will be restored to it optimal frequency within three activations of the tuning fork.

Once the chakra system is back in tune any other energy treatment that is used will be more effective and last longer. The chakra system is like the base of a house. If it is not strong the walls start to crack as everything shifts. No matter how much the walls are patched, as the basement shifts and settles, the cracks will reappear.

There are other templates for the energy system. The one we find most powerful is the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. In this template there are ten nodes. They are called spherah or collectively they are the Spherot.

The process is the same for the Spherot as the chakra system. The tuning fork set for the Spherot has eleven or twelve forks. These are:

1)                  Keter – 1092 Hz

2)                  Chokhmah – 430 Hz

3)                  Binah – 187 Hz

4)                  Chesed – 982 Hz

5)                  Gevurah – 298 Hz

6)                  Tferet – 757 Hz

7)                  Netzach – 644 Hz

8)                  Hod – 870 Hz

9)                  Yesod – 320 Hz

10)              Malkut – 532 Hz

11)              Da’at – 1550 Hz

12)              Genesis – 531 Hz

With any of these practices we encourage you to take classes. Expanding your mind is always a positive pursuit. It is said that the mind is like a parachute. It works best when it is opened.


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