
DR, Attitudes, and Stress

In this case, DR does not stand for doctor or drive. In this case DR is an abbreviation for the Dominican Republic. We took a trip to the Dominican Republic that showed the importance of attitude.

We flew from Detroit to Miami without incident. After walking all over the Miami airport due to several gate changes we ended up at the departure gate. There was the airplane and the flight crew. The time came for boarding and there was the airplane and the flight crew, still at the gate, not on the plane.

A representative of the crew told us that there was a mechanical problem and the plane was being taken out of service for that flight. We were not to worry, the airline is large and they would get us another plane. An hour later and he turned to us and said, “Are you ready for an adventure?”

The airline had decided to cancel that flight and offer us two options. One was to take to take the first flight out the next day. The other option was fly into another airport and be bussed to our hotels. That flight was only five hours later, but it would be an adventure.

We, and must of the people booked on our flight, chose the adventure. Five hours later we boarded the plane. Six hours later we pulled away from the gate, a little matter of airline scheduling and FAA rules held us up the extra hour.

The plane made it, gaining back some of the lost time. The Dominican Republic made it easy to go through immigration and customs. We had our luggage and found the bus that the airline had chartered in very little time.

We then sat for two hours. The airline had misplaced the luggage from ten people. So instead of getting to our rooms at 3:30 PM we arrived at midnight. Instead of a disaster it was and adventure, the difference was attitude.

The second largest island in the Caribbean is the island of Espanola, Cuba is the largest. Two countries share the island, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Christopher Columbus landed in the new world in1942 and established a colony on the island on the side that is today Haiti. When he returned everyone from that original colony was dead. He established a permanent colony on the North side of the island. Although no part of that original encampment is left, the village is still inhabited.

The Spanish intermarried with the natives. Between disease and the cruelty of the original colonists the population dropped. They then imported workers from Africa. Over the years the population has increased and continued to intermarry. Among people we met, there was no sign of racism. In fact, they did not distinguish between the person who was born on the Dominican Republic and the person who came to the island and decided to stay.

When you arrive you notice a difference in attitude between the Dominican Republic and many other places where tourism is the major industry. In many of the other places you are treated as a commodity, a source of money to be drained as much as possible. Others treat you as an invader. In the Dominican Republic, they treat you as an honored guest in their home.

They are proud of their country. They are proud of their environment. They want you to know about themselves and their heritage. They love to show the progress they are making. The<o:p></o:p></span></p>
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 pride, friendliness and openness are the best examples of the difference in attitude.

As we traveled away from the hotel center to the cities and deep into the county side the attitude of the people changed little. Away from the cities the amount of land around each house grow from several feet to several acres. Nearly every home, even in the remotest place we visited, had electricity and cable TV. Many of these areas the people had to carry water, sometime over a mile.

Their attitude explains this to. Education is very important. Communications is based on electricity and so electricity is brought to every home. Relatively few homes have telephones. That would seem to be at odds with their high emphasis on communications. It is just a symbol of the times. Most people have a cell phone. Indeed, most cell phones from the US work there.

Another of the oddities we noted was the complete lack of competition between the tour guides. Talking with one of them about another subject he gave us the key. The tour guides do not work for the tour companies. They are all independent contractors.

As he said, one day a tour operator will call him to take a tour to a location. The next day he may be taking a tour to the same place for a different operator. The next day he will be taking a tour to another location for yet another operator. The following day he may just feel like relaxing at home.

The people are reliable. They seem to dislike rushing. They would rather arrive early and wait than to come late and rush to make up time. The end result is that they have heard of stress, mainly from Americans and Europeans. They say that they have no stress and do not want to experience it.

The attitude is the key. There are hundreds “how to” book on reducing or relieving stress. Many are full of list of does and don’ts. Watch the stress of the people worrying about following the check lists.

Following a list does not reduce the stress. Changing the attitude reduces the stress. Most people who have had a heart attack and been told to reduce their stress can reduce the stress because they find out what is really important in their lives. This realization causes a change in attitude.

DR, the Dominican Republic, is a state of mind as much as a location. The laid back attitude, the pride and the warm inclusiveness are part of the entire experience. Finding a warm smile in every face is the very heart of the county.

We are people who love the water. For those of you, who have a fear of water try to translate this into another media, like a feather bed or a sand beach. One of the tours we took was to the 27 waterfalls. The water came down from the mountains. It was clear and cool, even though the temperatures were in the nineties.

For us, there were two highlights. One was siding down or jumping off of three of the falls. We have not found another location in any of our travels where we were allowed to slide down a natural waterside. The other was more spiritual. We floated in pools of clear, pure, natural water between waterfalls. The pools were deep and calm.

The water surrounded us. It supported us. It connected us with Earth and with all of life. The waterfalls infused the pools with energy. Laying in the calm of the pools we could feel our energy levels increasing.

DR, for us, was revitalizing. Our energy levels increased. Our faith in the possibilities of people finding peace within themselves and within their communities increased. We all can find such a place. It may not be a physical location. It will become part of your attitude. Enjoy that place of calm, hope and energy.


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