
Miracle Module

Of all the atoms, molecules and compounds on Earth there is one that, above all, is the most important to life and health. This molecule is unique and yet common. It is so important that no life, as we know it, can exist without it and is so common that most of us take it for granted.

Throughout history more wars have been over control of this resource. Parks are created so we can look at it. Resorts are built so we can be near it. Communities are built around it.

This molecule is the smallest molecule and only a few atoms, in their natural state, are smaller. It comes the closest of any substance to being a universal solvent. It has a very simple formula.

As you may have guessed it is water. It is made of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen. It makes up between 60% and 70% of the adult body.

A friend is undergoing chemotherapy. She has been having a hard time. Pain and fatigue have made it hard for her to get out of bed at least a quarter of the time.

As you might expect she asked her oncologist. He had no solution. She asked her primary doctor. Still, there was nothing to alleviate the symptoms.

She finally called the support number for the company that makes the chemicals. The nurse on duty said that the solution might sound silly because it is too simple. This chemotherapy is also a powerful diuretic. That is, it causes the body to loose water.

The solution was to drink more water. Very simple, she is to drink about a gallon of water every day. She was also told not to expect everything to improve immediately. It will take several weeks for the hydration to come back into balance.

What the body needed was re-hydration. The fluid levels had diminished. Water was needed in the body. Water is part of everything we drink. Even so, anything that contains alcohol or caffeine and many teas are diuretics. This also includes other compounds and additives, like some artificial sweetener, carbonation and lemon.

Fruit and vegetable juices and some teas hydrate the body. The best is still water. Depending where you get your water you may want to either by bottled water of filter the water. Remember that carbonation is a diuretic, even if it comes naturally as in sparkling spring water.

Water is not enough. There are lots of sports drinks that are made specifically for hydration. They all have electrolytes to replenish the electrolytes that you sweated away. What this really amounts to is a pinch of salt added to the drink.

All life, as we know it, is bases on salt water. If you have tasted blood you know that it is salty. Many believe that the salt levels in the body are the same as the salt concentration of the oceans at the time life began on Earth.

There is only one substance that we know of that is lighter, less dense, when it changes from the liquid to a solid. When water freezes it turns into ice. Ice floats on water.

Ice is very unique. It is, as we said, the only substance that in the solid state floats on the liquid form of the same substance. It is also the substance that all live depends on.

In winter, in our area of the country, the lakes freeze over. Ice forms on the top. Sometimes the ice is several feet thick. However, under that ice there is still water. Under the water there is mud and in the mud are organizes from microbes to reptiles like turtles and frogs. In the water between the ice and mud, fish still swim.

If ice, like all other substances, sank then the bottoms of the oceans, most rivers and lakes would be coated with ice. In the cold periods the entire body of water would freeze. This would include not only winters but also the ice ages.

The oceans, the Great Lakes and most of the other lakes in Michigan are so deep that if ice sank the sun would never thaw more that a few feet of the water. There would be no places for the creatures that live in the water to weather the cold periods. Even more of an issue is the water that flows under the ground. Imagine the problems if, like in Alaska, when a deep hole was drilled permafrost was found instead of water. Imagine that you could not drill a well because only ice was under the ground.

This unique, this miraculous molecule called water floats when it freezes. This miracle makes life possible. Yet this is not the only quality that is miraculous.

Water makes up most of blood. Dissolved in that water is salt, vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and both oxygen and carbon dioxide. Everything that each cell needs to support life must come in and leave through this steam of water called blood.

If the percent of water drops then the concentration of the other chemicals rise. This is what is called dehydration. The remedy for dehydration is increasing the intake of water. Remember that caffeine, alcohol, many herbal teas and carbonated drinks are diuretics, they do not re-hydrate.

Although we usually hear about increasing the intake of water, there are limits. Too much water and the blood becomes diluted. The kidneys then remove the excess water. Along with that other chemicals are removed. This is the natural way that the body detoxifies.

We often hear that it is good to exercise until you sweat. Another suggestion we hear is to sit in a sauna or sweat lodge to purify the system. Like the kidneys, the skin removes excess water and toxins. This is called perspiration or sweating.

We rarely hear about people having too much water. It is possible to take on too much water. The kidneys and skin will remove the excess water. Unfortunately other substances are removed. These organs remove toxins and also vitamins and minerals. When salt is removed the electrolyte levels drop.

If the blood does not have enough water then the organs hold onto the water. That means that the toxins in the system are retained. The body requires between one ounce of water for every two pounds and one ounce for every pound of body weight.

The more toxins entering the body the more water is needed to purge the toxins. We get lots of toxins in everyday life. If you drive a car, you breathe in the toxins from the other cars. If you smoke or are on chemotherapy you are taking in massive amounts of toxins.

When the levels of toxins are increased the amount of water should go up to the one ounce for each pound. This allows the body to remove the excess toxins. The amount of electrolytes, vitamins and minerals must also be increased.

Like everything else there are exceptions. People with kidney problems may not be able eliminate the excess fluids or may place and added strain on already weak kidneys. There are some heart conditions where the body retains water. Again, the added water is a problem for these people.

The symptoms of dehydration are plentiful. Many people with recurring headaches can get rid of them by drinking water. Leg cramps are another common symptom of dehydration. One of the most common symptoms of dehydration are aches and pains, similar to those of the flu.

Drinking water is the best way to detoxify. Nearly every weight control program insists on increasing the intake of water. Every exercise program recommends the increase in water intake. Most medications have a recommendation for added water.

Water is the key to life. It is also the key to good health. It is the simplest and one of the smallest molecules. It is a miracle.

Remember our friend. After weeks of suffering with side effects from the chemotherapy she was finally told that the side effects are usually caused by dehydration. The solution is the miracle molecule, water.


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