

Sledge Hammer
We have had the opportunity to work with many stones. We have also experienced several stones that have been programmed with all of the positive energies. Both were natural stones but one was electronically enhanced, in the same way that most homeopathics are made today.

Our experience with these “all-in-one” stones, and similar medications, nutritional supplements and other therapies is that they do not really work. They do not get at the source. At the same time they can overwhelm the system.

We want to highlight this second issue, overwhelming the energy system. This is not an uncommon American or European trait. It is summed up in a single phrase. “If a little is good than more is better.”

We see this every day with the super-sized meals. When medical research showed that a low fat diet was good, many people tried to take all of the salt out of their diets. Too little is as bad as too much. It is interesting that often the body will present the same symptom if it gets too much or too little of a needed nutrient.

One of the easiest environmental issues to understand is heat. We know we need a balance. Too much heat and we are uncomfortable. Too little heat and we are uncomfortable. For some reason many people think that taking one medication or supplement to balance another is good. The two average out. Using that logic you can put one foot in ice water and the other in boiling water and on the average you will be comfortable.

This idea of finding the balance point is common in the medical industry. With every new medication the pharmaceutical company first determines if the new compound is promising. They then made some guesses as to the concentration and run some tests. They adjust the concentrations in an attempt to find one that works for most people. They understand that the ideal concentration would be different for each person and, especially in the case of medications that are used in emergencies, the time and expense of making an ideal concentration for each person would be prohibitive.

One set of drugs that most people are at least familiar with are contraceptive. The concentration being given today is far less than the originals. Over time research has shown that the lower concentrations are more effective and have fewer side effects.

People can also over use foods. In some cases this will cause the body to reach to the food. It can either become intolerant, allergic or dependent. Many of us can not get going in the morning without a blast of caffeine. A day or two without the morning cup of coffee is may result in headaches and even shaking. These are signs of substance dependence.

It is common to think that substance abuse only happens to other people or that substance abuse only relates to illegal drugs. Dependence on a substance may be needed and is, therefore, not abuse. People with infantile diabetes are dependant on insulin.

Many people use drugs to mask systems. They never get to the cause. If the cause is not addressed the issue remains and usually gets worse. The body becomes accustomed to the substance that is used to mask the symptom and either more of the same is used or a stronger dose. In many cases the drug actually exacerbates the condition.

People in a bad relationship will often turn to alcohol to make the situation bearable. Under the influence they will say or do things that build larger and larger walls between them. We know a couple with two children and the man started to drink. One day, he was arrested for drunk driving. The judge sent him to a rehab program.

Two years later he said that the judge had helped him more than anyone had. Because he was off the drug, yes alcohol is a drug, and his driving was restricted he was spending more time at home and his marriage was good again.

One of the most common substances that is abused today is work. Workaholics are everywhere. People often work so many hours that their efficiency drops. Their creativity does away. They get into a rut. It is good to put in an extra hour or two on occasion. When it is constant and an extra twenty to forty hours a week, there is no time for anything else. The stress this causes on the rest of their lives is devastating.

Some people do not even see this hammer. First it is an extra couple of hours a day at the office. Then they take work home and close themselves off in their office, shutting out their family and friends. Now, it includes being on the cell phone doing work and ignoring the family and friends, even on outing that were planned to get away from work. We have seen these people on vacation, in a national park, in the most spectacular scenery, arguing for hours about business and never seeing the children or their husband, yes it happens to women as well as men.

In energy work we see the same hammer approach. Take crystals, for example. A good clear crystal can be used in many ways. We see people who buy the largest crystals they can find. The analogy is a family of four buying a Greyhound bus instead of a car to go to the store for groceries. It is just too much for the need.

The difference in the amount of time needed for the crystal to have the desired effect is less for the larger crystal. A very large crystal may be effective in two seconds where a reasonable sized crystal will work in two minutes. The over sized crystal will overwhelm the energy system in ten seconds and the reasonable sized crystal in ten hours.

Another analogy that is often used is pouring sand into a funnel. If you pour sand into a funnel at the same rate that the sand comes out the small end of the funnel, the sand will flow through and you can fill the container under the funnel. If you pour the sand in faster than it flows out the other end it will back up in the funnel, clog the funnel and the flow stops. In the case of using an over sized crystal, it is like having a dump truck pouring sand into a four inch funnel, or to get back to the original analogy, it is like driving a one inch brad into a wall with a forty pound sledge hammer.

This is not limited to exotic treatments or often abused substances. It can happen with anything, even water. Most diet, health and exercise programs tell you to drink lots of water. One formula for determining how much water you should drink is to take your weight in pounds and divide by two. That will give you about the number of ounces you should drink in a day. A man who weighs 192 pounds should, by this formula, drink 96 ounces or one gallon of water. Remember this is an estimate and we are not nutritionist or doctors, we are just repeating a formula given to us.

Take that man above and say he drinks two gallons of water plus his usual coffee and extra sized drink at lunch and dinner for a total of three gallons. He will flush out his system, including most of the minerals and electrolytes his body needs. He may wonder why, with the program he is on and the amount of water he is drinking, he is not feeling better. He may also find himself getting sick easier. Too much is as bad and sometime worse than too little.

In all areas of life, balance is the key. Too little or too much is always a problem. Find balance in your life. Help others to find balance in their lives.

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