

In Sound Health

Many modalities exist. They all are based on standard energy systems. We are most familiar with the Eastern systems. Those associated with the Hindu and Buddhist systems talk of the chakra system. The martial arts are based on the Chinese meridian system. There is a third system, from the Middle East, based on the kabalistic tree of life and a fourth, ayurveda, which focuses on the five elements and whose energy centers correspond to the lower five chakras.

In the Healing Touch classes we learned to use the pendulum to measure the condition of each chakra. This used the type of swing and the diameter of the swing to indicate the health of the chakra. Others classes have expanded the analysis of the chakras. Medical Intuitive and Energy Transformation showed us how to examine the fabric of each chakra.

It is interesting to note that in holistic practices we aim at bringing balance to the body, mind and spirit. Few of us study sound, even though sound is a major vibrational influence in our lives. People seek music to feel better. Most of us limit our sound therapy to selecting background music for our healing room.

Only in passing is it mentioned that each chakra also has a tone. These are middle C for the root, D for the sacral, E for the solar plexus, F for the heart, G for the throat, A for the third eye and B for the crown chakra. In working with tuning forks we have learned that a chakra can be open, strong and still be out of tune.

To get into sound health we should be in tune. To get more precise, the root chakra should be at 256 Hz., the sacral 288 Hz., solar plexus 320 Hz., heart 341.2 Hz., throat 384 Hz., third eye 426.7 Hz. And the crown at 480 Hz. This can be accomplished by “reminding” the chakra of the tone it is to be at.

There are a number of ways of doing this. Our favorite is to use tuning forks. You can use any musical instrument, if it is tuned accurately. As you can see from the frequencies in the preceding paragraph, this is far more accurate than must musicians tune their instruments.

Music can also be used to support each chakra. Music in the key of C supports the root chakra and helps to ground you. Classical music is good in that many of the pieces include there key in their titles, as in a symphony in the key of G.

There are a number of CDs that have been created to open and balance the chakra system. Some of these have a track for each chakra. Others have pieces that attempt to open and balance the entire system.

Crystal bowls are like tuning forks. They are precisely tuned. Crystal bowls have a rich sound. We do not recommend them for practitioners because they are large, awkward to handle, fragile and expensive.

Whether we are talking about odor, warmth, sound, light or touch, we are talking about vibrations. We attempt to work in all of the senses. Sound is vibrations that can be heard by the human ear. Most of us can hear vibrations between 20 Hz. and 20,000 Hz. Sounds below 256 Hz. or above 1024 Hz. are less pleasant.

The Earth vibrates at about 8 Hz. This is a very low C. Each time the frequency is doubled we call it an octave. The first C that is in the range of audible sound, that is above 20 Hz., is 32 Hz. The next ones are 64 Hz., 128 Hz. and 256 Hz. Surprise, 256 Hz. is the frequency of the root chakra.

Each of the notes in the harmonic scale corresponds to a chakra. If you continue the progression to the trans-personal chakra, you get to the next C, 512 Hz. High C is one octave above the root chakra.

Sound is a great way to energize and supercharge your energy practices. Sound enhances Healing Touch and other types of energy work. It adds another dimension to your work.

The most basic treatment in Healing Touch is the chakra connection. With tuning forks the equivalent runs the harmonic scale. Each fork, starting with C 256 to B 480, is presented to both ears and then the appropriate chakra. This opens and balances the entire chakra system. In addition this brings them all into tune.

Lest you think that sound only applies to the chakra system, each meridian and each acupuncture point respond to a frequency. For example, the bladder meridian responds to G, the same sound as the throat chakra.

There are other systems, as we noted in the beginning of this article. We are very partial to the kabalistic system. One reason we are so drawn to the kabalistic system is that the chakra system is one dimensional. The Tree of Life or spherot is three dimensional.

Embedded in this system are forks for each acupuncture point. For those who are drawn to the angels, each of the spherot forks corresponds to an angel. It also has forks for each of the organs.

The spherot forks are 1 Keter, 2 Chokhmah, 3 Binah, 4 Chesed, 5 Gevurah, 6 Tiferet, 7 Netzach, 8 Hod, 9 Yesod and 10 Malkut. There is an eleventh fork in all of the spherot sets, Da’at. The angels are Metatron (Keter), Ratziel (Chokhmah), Tzaphaiel (Binah), Tzidqiel (Chesed), Khemael (Gevurah), Michael (Tiferet), Haniel (Netzach), Raphael (Hod), Gabriel (Yesod) and Sandaluhan (Malkhut). The eleventh is Shekinah (Da’at), the presence of the Eternal within each of us.

All of these names seem hard to remember and impossible to pronounce. Fortunately you can work from the numbers. So to balance the brain you would use Ketter and Yesod, that is 1 and 9.

There are many specialized tuning fork sets. These include specialty forks, like the nerve fork at 50 Hz. There is also a set of forks for the three lowest audible C forks. These are called the otto forks 32 Hz., 64 Hz. and 128 Hz.

There is even a special fork for activating crystals. This fork is 1024 Hz. That is the next octave above the transpersonal point. It is a very high C.

Sound brings another dimension to healing. When used with other energy practices sound holds the work longer and works faster. In addition, sound can work as a trigger to return the person to balance. Hearing a pure tone can be used to remind the energy being of what is ideal for it. Adding sound makes everything work better.

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